New Features

Product AreasNew Feature
Admin Portal > Content ManagerEmail Nurturing Campaigns now available with the Drag & Drop Editor
Admin Portal > Content ManagerPartner-Led Webinar Campaigns now available
Admin Portal > Content ManagerLanding Page requirements within integrated campaigns adjusted
Admin Portal > Content ManagerTwo New Drag & Drop Editor efficiencies now available

Create Email Nurturing Campaigns using Drag & Drop Emails

Admin Portal > Content Manager > Tactics > Nurturing

Email nurturing now supports Drag & Drop Editor Emails, allowing partners to keep prospects engaged throughout their journey down the marketing funnel regardless of the email editor used to construct the email.

By offering a nurturing campaign, partners can easily schedule entire series of emails tailored to specific products or services. These nurturing campaigns not only save valuable time by consolidating multiple touchpoints within a single email deployment, but also guarantee consistent messaging and design across all communications.

Now with the D&D Editor making adjustments to individual emails included in a nurture campaign can be achieved without technical know-how.


Are you ready to get started? Access the following links for step-by-step instructions:



Setup Partner-Led Webinar Campaigns to Streamline the Partner Webinar Experience

Admin Portal > Content Manager > Campaigns

Partner-led webinar events are now available, enabling you to offer your partners webinar tactics that streamline setup, promotion, execution, and evaluation of webinar events.

Partner-led webinars offer effortless registration with calendar reminders in confirmation emails and a streamlined join page. Content creation is made user-friendly through our drag-and-drop editor. Partners can monitor registration and attendee metrics in real-time via our comprehensive dashboard.

Partner-led webinars are created using the drag and drop editors, ensuring that both vendors and partners have a symmetrical experience, allowing for streamlined experiences for both.

Are you ready to get started? Access the following links for step-by-step instructions:

Campaign Automator Setup Updated: Landing Page now optional

Admin Portal > Content Manager > Campaigns> Marketing Assts

Landing Page tactics are now optional when building campaigns using Campaign Automator setup. (Previously all automator campaigns required a landing page to function.) This update offers greater flexibility in the campaign creation process, empowering vendors to tailor their strategies to suit their specific needs and preferences.

When excluding Landing Pages, you must include either an email campaign or a social campaign within the Campaign Automator setup.

The animation below demonstrates the partner experience activating a Campaign without a Landing Page

Two New Efficiencies with the Drag & Drop Editor

Admin Portal > Content Manager > Tactics

Nested Sections: You can now nest a section within a section providing increased flexibility in your layout design. This update is available with all Drag & Drop Editors.

Sneak Peak: New Layout Element: The layout element provides pre-built layouts that allow you to add a greater depth of content without overwhelming the page. In this release, we are introducing two options. Keep an eye out for the following release where we add a third option along with guidance on how to make the most out of this exciting new feature. This update is available for Landing Pages only.