What is the purpose of vendor-led webinar campaigns?

Vendor-led webinars are a great way for partners to provide their prospects with direct access to industry experts, product demonstrations, and thought leaders. Vendor-led webinar campaigns are hosted by the vendor; freeing up partners to nurture prospects who attend the webinar and close sales. 

How do they work?

Creating a vendor-led webinar follows a similar process to creating a standard automator campaign. (This feature applies to campaign automator setups only.) Similar to standard campaigns, you must first create the marketing tactics that comprise the vendor-led webinar campaign. At a minimum, vendor-led webinar campaigns must include the following marketing tactics:

  • A webinar join page
  • A webinar registration page
  • A webinar invitation email

Once created, set up a campaign and select the appropriate settings. After adding marketing tactics to your campaign, you must then modify the event registration page setup to attach a calendar invite and connect the webinar join page. This enables registrants to add a calendar reminder to their Outlook or Google calendar and provides access to the webinar link on the day of the event. After setting up a vendor-led campaign you must then create a campaign product. Review the following worksheets before getting started. 

  1. Setting up a Campaign
  2. Creating a Campaign Product

What are the steps to set them up?

The guide below provides step-by-step instruction on how to complete each of the following steps:

Note: To complete the exercises within the guide, you will need to download practice materials. To request practice materials, click here to request access to the practice materials folder.

  1. Setup a campaign as a vendor-led webinar
  2. Add marketing activities
  3. Modify event registration page
  4. Create campaign product
  5. Test vendor-led webinar campaign in Marketing Center

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