Welcome to Marketing Center
We are so glad you are here! Marketing Center is a marketing automation portal where your partner can access and deploy the marketing tactics and campaigns you provide at each stage of the marketing funnel.
What is the purpose of this onboarding guide?
This guide was developed to help you and your partners get acquainted with Marketing Center. It introduces the capabilities available and provides step-by-step instruction to help you and your partners start using the most common features and tools available within the platform.
Upon completion of this guide, you will be able to do the following:
- Navigate and prepare to use the platform
- Setup the most commonly used tactic types
- Access reports that hep drive marketing activities
- Manage contact and leads
How do I use this onboarding guide?
This guide is designed from the partner point of view and is organized as follows:
- This guide is divided into six lessons
- Each lesson includes a series of skills.
- When you are performing a task, do the following
- Identify the lesson associated with the task you are completing
- Click on the icon associated with the lesson
- Select the skills you are hoping to achieve
- Complete the steps contained within the skill
How can I use this onboarding guide with partners?
The generic guide is available to use with your partners at any time - free of charge. If you would like to brand the guide and add it to your and add it to your marketing center portal - for a fee, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.
Access Marketing Center Onboarding Guide
Click here to access and download the Marketing Center Onboarding Guide