What is the purpose of banner ads?

Banner ads are another popular marketing tactic. Unlike email, which is limited to a single use, banner ads are flexible, allowing your partners to expand their reach across multiple mediums, such as websites, digital newsletters, and more. Banner ads can include landing pages and co-branding, making them a widespread lead-generating activity.

How do they work?

Banner ads are another tactic where an existing banner must first be copied and used as a framework. Once copied, content and images are updated and saved. It’s that simple. 

What are the steps to create them?

The guide below provides step-by-step instruction on how to complete each of the following steps

Note: To complete the exercises within the guide, you will need to download practice materials. To request practice materials, click here to request access to the practice materials folder.

  1. Copy an existing banner ad
  2. Create banner ad settings
  3. Edit content
  4. Select a landing page
  5. Publish a banner ad to Marketing Center

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